Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merry Christmas..I'm back.

I can't believe it's been 2 months since I have posted last. No excuse is a good excuse, but truth be told, I've been busy on Facebook. With three boys to look after, my "free" time is limited and I've been chatting with long lost friends.

Over the weekend we traveled to visit my family and had an early Christmas. They had an ice storm the night before and it was beautiful. Of course that doesn't stop the kids. Uncle Todd gave them Rockets they just had to go blow off.

We made 3 stops in three days and here are a few of the highlights. As I post these I notice I only capture the kids or adults with the kids. I must start taking pictures of everyone. That just might be my New Years Resolution.

(His first Christmas present)

Here with R-man is his cousin from New York. They are only 14 days apart.My husbands Grandma just when into a nursing home so we stopped by for a visit. She just loves the kids. Poor thing (or fortunate) she would ask were we where, like she didn't realize it was her who lived there.

See you soon.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Grandparents' day Sub

I was chosen as a special friend to my niece while her Grandparents were on vacation. It was such a treat. The entire school day was dedicated to grandparents coming to different classes throughout the day, it was quite the ordeal.

My nieces teacher had a nice touch where the kids were to sing a song to us. It turned out to be a beautiful yet emotional song. As soon as it started, I thought I was going to have trouble keeping it together. It's a Bette Middler type song. Love Will Build a Bridge

As you'll see we didn't make it though the whole song. I guess I wasn't the only one who thought so.
Click play below.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Thursday, September 18, 2008

First movie attempt...no bells...no whistles

As embarrassing as this is, it's a cute little video I made today.

At the beginning there are a few snapshots that will display with no sound. At the end, there is this woman talking ridiculous baby talk. You may want to mute your sound.


Monday, September 15, 2008

Bad Ike!

This has been my home away from home for the last 3 years. It's the new Wilson's complex that is Wilson's South, MAC soccor indoor and outdoor fields, the MAC pool and FIT (Females in Training) that I have come to love since I quit work. I spend at least 3 mornings a week hear and in the summer more time here than at my house.

Bad Ike!

It was hard to see it flood and hope they rebuild. I know Wilson's South isn't in jepordy, but FIT was housed in the old Club Woodrail and was older and quieter than the new facey gym and I loved it that way. Since it is only women, there is a chance they'd tell us to use the new facility with all it's pretty paint, state of the art equipment, beautily views and co-ed crowding. Who knows if it's worth insuring again.

I slept through most of the rain and it was on the way to church Sunday morning that I discovered it. I would have never guessed we got that much rain.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Swim Team Catch Up

Mac Sharks - Swiming 2008

The boys had a great season this year. JP was awarded "Most Improved Swimmer" this year and LJ had his first experience competing. It's amazing how different two little boys with the same interests can be. There are 4 primary strokes in swimming and they each have different favorites, because their little bodies work differently. JP is primarily a breast stroke and back stroke swimmer, and LJ is butterfly and free.

JP plays the part as a pro when he's getting ready to dive in.

Here is a picture where LJ is a little late on the go. He'll learn more next year as to how to dive head first. :-)

Here are some other cute pictures.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Weekend Wedding

My brother flew in to attend my step sister's wedding this weekend and we all got to meet the new little guy. His and mine are only 2 weeks apart.

You can see how beautiful Susan looks, with her brothers walking her down the isle.

JP's in heven that he gets to give his baby cousin a bottle.

The new little guys get to know each other. (King Chubby is on the left)

Look Mom, I'm not drunk

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Everybody wants one of these...

It's been awhile since I've posted last and I'll save the excuses. Motherhood this time around goes so fast. I can't believe the breakneck pace it's going verses the slow guessing game the first time around.

Summer is just about over and I've not posted any pictures of the boys swimming. Especially after Mike Phelps, I'm tempted to have them swim year round, but with everything else there isn't enough time. 3 boys and multiple activities each, we have to be a bit selective about what we choose to do. It's too bad, because, my kids like me,like may things and hate to commit to only one.

A jack of all trades and master of none...is that such a bad thing?

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cute pics of our R-Man

Some of these pictures came from a photographer who came to the hospital when he was 15 hours old. They are going to make a great baby album. The older boys never had it so good.

The very last picture I've wanted to post for some time, but worried it would gross some out, but I think it's too cool to not share. The scrub nurse took it right after he was born. It's amazing. (to me anyway)

The black and white look better printed than they do on the web. Sorry for that.

Last but not least...

Sunday, June 22, 2008


RJ's first week was full of fun and dirty diapers! We have forgotten how many diapers that we have to go through. That should come as no surprise to us seeing that his favorite activity is eating. In fact, as we are writing this we have changed his diaper twice. We need to get our timing down a little better. Last night I was holding him and he filled his diaper. I made the comment that it sounded "a little frothy". Our friend called it a "Crappuccino". Ewwww. Enough of the potty talk though, here are some new shots.

All three of the boys have worn this outfit. We bought it in France 9 years ago when we were pregnant with JP. 3 minutes after this picture was taken, he spit up on the outfit. He followed that with a leaky diaper. So much for that!

Future lady killer or a face only a mother could love. Depends who you ask.

Dad and me on a beautiful summer Sunday morning.

The best brothers that a kid could ever ask for. JP and LJ love to hang out and "talk baby" with him.

JP has turned out to be great help. He does not hesitate to pick him up (on his own accord) when crying and pitches in whenever asked.

Saturday, June 14, 2008

Our Pod just got bigger, he's here!

After all this talk, look who shows up. I don't know why I'm so freaky about saying names, but I am. I can't say it here. When I finally broke down and asked, begged, for an epidural, I couldn't get one. I just can't believe it. He really does have the happiest, proudest and most dotting big brothers. They just want to hold him and pet him all the time. Yes it's pet him, I think they mean pat, but pet is the word that keeps slipping out.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Four, Four, Four ...

Four, Four, Four, Four... from Fivestrongs

A) Four places that I go to over and over:
Hy-Vee, Target, Fairview School and The MAC

B) Four people who e-mail me (regularly):
Jennifer, Old Navy, Angie and Christy

C) Four favorite places to eat:
Shakespeares, Rio Grande, Holly's house and McDonalds

D) Four places I would rather be right now:
Holly's house drinking Mockaritas, Cardio Kickboxing, The Ritz with my kids who are in a Las Vegas wedding this weekend, the pool

E) Four TV shows I watch all the time:
The Office, 30 Rock, Good Morning Missouri and Spongebob

Friday, May 30, 2008

My Brand New Nephew

I'd like to introduce my first nephew, born today with a full head of hair.
He's so unlike my boys in that I couldn't part their hair until nearly the age of 2, but he is similar in many other ways. What a handsome guy....we can't wait to meet him.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Graduation Week

I just love this school. He's been here two years and now it's time to graduate up to Kindergarten.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Charlie bit me

My niece found this and it's so cute.

Sunday, April 20, 2008

Two of my favorites in the same place

Can you believe ther are others out there like me? I've said it before and I'll say it again. I'm a geek, yet it always suprises me when there are others as geeky as me. That must mean, it's not so bad. I say this because on the Harry Potter News Aggregator or one of my HP sites that is on my Google Home page had an anouncement that read like this.....

Attention Jane Austen Fans: Mr. Darcy Requests Your Presence in the Leaky Lounge

How could I not resist? So I snooped around to see what they were talking about when I saw a P&P quiz. My results don't suprise me, but it's a little embarrasing to be a guy, but that is better than Lydia who I almost tied with. Take the test yourself if you like. Or better yet, read Pride and Prejudice and let me know what you think?

Which Pride and Prejudice character are you most like? (PICCIES)
created with QuizFarm.cc

You scored as Mr Bingley

A very, very nice person. Very. But your powers of speech aren't great and many people think you're a bit naive.

Lydia Bennett


Mr Bingley


Elizabeth Bennet


Jane Bennett


Mr Bennett


Charlotte Lucas


Mary Bennett


Mrs Bennett


Lady Catherine de Bourgh


Mr. Wickham


Mr. Darcy


Kitty Bennett


Mr. Collins


Tuesday, April 15, 2008

For the Gransparents

What do I expect? Having only boys, I must learn that things aren't going to be cute and picture perfect. They will be fun though.

It films better than it sounded in person but here are glimpses of the party.

I wanted to post another video but since I haven't ever edited one yet, I'm not going to post one that is too long. It's a great kickball game that is not going to been seen here.

Monday, April 7, 2008

Precious Moments

Here are a few of the quiet times we had in Florida. (That happens when you have too much sun :-)

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Pirates of the Gulf

We spent Spring Break in Fort Myers and we saw Pirates on the open seas. Here is some proof.

A bunch of ugly mugs if I ever saw any.
I bet he'd steal my wiskey or gold if I had any.
Is that Johnny Deep and Kiera Knightly on the left?

Looks like someone is happy.

Last but not least, here we are with our Pirate host. In retrospect I shouldn't have had my guys dressed in bright orange it's not too pirate-y.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

My 100th Post and Almost as Old.

Here is a picture of the Mosses Basket my Dad used as an infant. It's cute and very rustic. With my first child we bought some very soft sheets and pillow cases and made a soft little area for the little guy. Now it's my brother's turn to have it and I am wondering how to ship it so far and keep it from getting damaged. I'm sure there is a way to ship antiques so if anyone has a great idea, please let me know.

I'll show you my progress... it's never fun to have these pictures taken, but I did remember to stand up straight which always helps a bit. Those pictures people take when your not expecting them always turn out worse.

As always, sorry it's been so long, I've been to lazy to keep up, but have hopes to post about the new Wii WiFi we are setting up, and some pics of the boys. TTFN

Sunday, February 24, 2008

Who Is Your Ideal TV Boyfriend?

I found this on Life Unscripted blog. For some reason I am not surprised. I do love this show, and Jim, what's not to love, but The Office has now been replaced by 30 Rock as my favorite show to watch.

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Boy O Boy O Boy

Can you believe I'll have 3 of them? If I were a Mom in 18th century China, I'd be so respected. (Since they don't value girls...I just read Snowflower and the Secret Fan, which I recommend.)

We had the results of the sonigram put into an envelope and waited for the boys until we opened it. We went to one of my favoirte restruants to get brain food for the baby, Warm Pancetta Salad with Salmon, and let the kids open the envelope to tell us.

I was suprised. I really shouldn't have been. I always knew it was a boy, but held out a little hope for a girl. Regardless, 4 months left till we meet the little guy.

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Funny, but at my expense

Since I am pretty nerdy, I find humor in the dry and scientific.

(I'm a big Office Fan) For anyone else who like that type of humor, try the IT Crowd found on Channel 4 (an English channel you can watch on-line)

So here is a funny

Two more days until we find out if it's a boy or girl.......