Thursday, July 10, 2008

Cute pics of our R-Man

Some of these pictures came from a photographer who came to the hospital when he was 15 hours old. They are going to make a great baby album. The older boys never had it so good.

The very last picture I've wanted to post for some time, but worried it would gross some out, but I think it's too cool to not share. The scrub nurse took it right after he was born. It's amazing. (to me anyway)

The black and white look better printed than they do on the web. Sorry for that.

Last but not least...


EE said... the photos!! He's too dang precious! Can't wait to see him in person!!!

Anonymous said...

Great pictures!! I can't wait to meet him in person.

Anonymous said...

Congrats to you and all your boys. He is beautiful and the pictures are great.

Julia Martin-Nelms