One thing (that I'm willing to share) is that change rattles me to a certain degree. It's more like the quest for something else. At times I've felt I need or want more, and at other times I've felt that need has been imposed onto me. At those time's I question why isn't enough, enough. Why must we always want more.
After my morning of coffee and reflection, this was my weekly quote from my calendar. It answers my questions and yet deepend my question. It answered it without explaining it.
Only the fairy tale equates changlessness with happiness...
Permanence means paralysis and death.
Only in movement with all its pain, is life
- Jacob Burckhardt
On a brighter note, he's a pic of the cup of coffee (and scone) I drank while conjuring up all these deep thoughts. Did you know the can make a mocha with dark chocolate? Um Um Good~!
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