I received an email the other day and this is part of what it said. If you want to inquire about the quote, see Snoopes. ( a gentle disclaimer is that I am an anglophile and do have a passion for England and the English.) With the war raging on and so much heat and hatred brewing, it's good to be reminded why we care. Below is the portion of the e-mail.
In case we find ourselves starting to believe all the anti-American sentiment and negativity, we should remember England's Prime Minister Tony Blair's words during a recent interview. When asked by one of his Parliament members why he believes so much in America, he said:
"A simple way to take measure of a country is to look at how many want in... And how many want out."
Tell me, when you are excited do you slam your brother's hand in the door or throw a ball in his face? Do you take his toys and hide them or throw them down the stairs like he's a dog wanting to play fetch? That is what our house has been like the past few days, it's a good thing we've finally arrived.
I was visiting LifeUnscripted today who found this on a friends blog. Crazy is as crazy does. I was just at a party with Ms. Busick and know these fella's in this mocumentary. All above mentioned are Woodcrester's and I guess it's a small world after all.
Spring is in the air and Easter around the corner. Is anyone else getting spring fever? Ready to plant flowers and make/eat Easter Lunch? I am! I just have to wait a few weeks on the veggies and flowers, but the Easter Menu is getting planned. One year we planned the menu around an Easter Brunch in a Southern Living Cookbook. Ever since then, I love buttermilk biscuit's. They are not a tradition for our family, but I'm trying to sneak them in. He is a link for a dressed up version, Buttermilk Biscuits with Goat Cheese and Chives.
Also with Easter come a strong church season, it may be the biggest Christan holiday. Our Church is gearing up for our annual Eggstravaganza, it's going to be great! My brother Todd lives out of town, and is in his Church band. They have a new site for St. Ann's Music Ministry, Check it out.
And I leave you with a picture of Ryan over the weekend. We took an 18 mile bike ride and along the way he visited Lewis and Clark's cave along the Missouri River.
I may try this from time to time. Last weekend we watched The Departed which won all sorts of Oscar buzz.
When I rented it, I thought "Oh Ryan will like this", but it's not really his style. I don't know what I thought the movie was since I hadn't seen the trailer, but here it is for you.
The movie did have a stick-y-ness factor. I couldn't get it out of my head after watching it. Yet into the 2nd of 3 hours, I ask Ryan to never let me rent movies like this again. There is something so painful yet wonderful about this movies. Perhaps it's the tragedy of it all. Leo is a good actor for tragic movies like, Titanic, Romeo and Juliet and Basketball Diaries (shows my age). I remember hating Cold Mountain and yet it was beautiful. This movie has the same Love/Hate qualities.
I do feel so blessed I am none of the character nor am I married to any of them AND we don't live in Boston.
Once when JP was just a tiny tot, we went to visit my brother in New York City, you know the place were they make lots of salsa (ha ha) He took us to this tiny little Indian restaurant in Little India. To say the restaurant was about the size of my bathroom is not much of a stretch. They had people packed in next to each other like a school cafeteria and the door man put us in the last available seats in the back, by the kitchen and under the dripping AC unit. To add even more pizazz to a restaurant like this, the walls were lined with reflective wallpaper and chili-pepper-Christmas-lights. I've heard the food is great, but you'd really have to see it to get the full picture, I can't do it justice.
Anyway, I was way to paranoid to eat there thinking my 1 year old child would get Hepatitis by just sitting in his car seat so I blamed it on the AC dripping on my head and we continued to a completely different restaurant and ate 3 hours later, because that is how you do things there.
Since then I have a completely different appreciation for Indian food. Chicken Tikka Marsala is just about the best thing around and if I work things just right, we get to go to our local favorite, Taj Mahal. He's my crew enjoying their Naan and Curry.
They crew has been working and today the wall came down. Ha ha I can't help but say the clique. It wasn't that whole was coming down, more like a hole cut into it. It all happened before school today!
We are so excited getting the new door. We can actually walk in and look around and start to get a sense of the space.
Once they get the siding up, you'll never know it wasn't part of the original plan.
Well if your into Buddist Moose teaching typing this is the site for you. I was approched by JP's Vice Pricipal about doing some work for the school's website, and decided it was a good idea to see what other shcools are doing. I found this game and had to keep playing. What a way to learn! Who comes up with this stuff? Click here to start at level 1. (this might be where the dancing comes in) The Buddist Moose are on level 7.
Since we moved into this house, we have talked about how the builder left this awkward little spot that should have been a sunroom.
After enough talk we got a bid and now are taking the plunge. These pictures are after only 2 days of work. Since it's going to be done in 3-4 more weeks, I needed to get started on the tile.
The project sounds good, right? Other than the financial obligation we are getting ourselves in, the truck will be able to park in the garage.
We are putting in a shed below which will hopefully prevent another big deductible if we have another hail storm. (And yes I am a bit passive aggressive right now)
We'll walk out of the kitchen into a bright sunny room, that we can use as an office or a great place to read a book. Really, it's going to be great. I know that, but I'm not good at this kind of stuff.
We decided on slate. It look natural and it's a great material. After taking a long trip to Home Depot's Expo center, I brought home a sample of what I wanted. They had it in stock so I could go back on Saturday and bring it all home.
When I called today to confirm the pick up and pay for the slate, it was all sold out. They won't have anymore for 10 days. That really doesn't sound bad. Really, I can wait 10 days and take the long trip back. I can pitch the idea and order something local, it's just I feel I have inconvenienced everyone I know in one way or another to get there this week and now it's all for not.